Our technology

How it works

Ten years ago, scientists from Concordia University and University of Manitoba experimented something that was never done before: Combining a biological process with an electro-chemical process for the treatment of wastewater. By introducing a low and intermittent electrical current in a conventional activated sludge reactor, theses scientists discovered a series of beneficial reactions.

Organic matter removal (COD)

The EBR Technology is at its base a biological process that is very performant in removing COD. Results showed removal rates above 95%.

Phosphorous removal

The EBR Technology uses the electro-coagulation process in combination with an activated sludge process. Phosphorous removal at very low levels is achieved. Phosphorous (PO4) reacts with Aluminium (Al) and precipitates under the form of Aluminium Phosphate (AlPO4).

Nitrogen removal

Nitrogen is removed from wastewater in two steps. The first step is the transformation of ammonia (NH3) into nitrate (NO3). This step is done through biological nitrification. The second step of converting nitrate (NO3) to nitrogen gas (N2) is call denitrification and the EBR Technology accomplishes that step in a much different way than other biological processes that needs to add to the treatment plant three or four more reactors.


The EBR Technology does not require additional reactors. The denitrification of the EBR Technology is achieved in most part through an electro-denitrification process. At the electrodes surface, a reaction occurs which transforms nitrate (NO3) into atmospheric nitrogen gas (N2). This type of denitrification does not produce nitrous oxide, a strong greenhouse gas. The denitrification step is completed biologically and uses the variation of pH and ORP related to the use of intermittent current.

Sludge conditioning and heavy metal removal

The EBR Technology improves significantly the settling and the dewatering of sludge. This advantage is related to the sludge floc transformation when exposed to the electrical field. This sludge conditioning is well documented as an electro-technology reaction. Heavy metals are removed at 95% and more through the electro-coagulation process.


The EBR Technology removes phosphorous, nitrogen (ammonia and total nitrogen), heavy metals, and improves sludge settling and dewatering. All these advantages without the need to add reactors and chemicals.

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